I was having a chat the other week with a friend of mine who was looking at add a reverse gear to a boat launcher he had made that was powered by a GX200 engine. Serendipitously, today I see the following photo in my feed over on the Cyclekarts North America Facebook page...

It's an add-on gearbox with forward / reverse and neutral gears specifically made for go-karts and small ATVs using GX200 style engines. The post author was kind enough to share the details.
Whilst a reverse gear is not a necessity, it might be handy for some.
On a somewhat related note. I'm in the middle of putting together a Cyclekart guidebook, and one of the things that has come up in both the US and UK scenes is the risk of unmanned Cyclekarts 'taking off' when started due to stuck or knocked throttles. This seems to happen regularly, at least every event.
The generally prescribed solution is to tether the CK to something whilst starting it, or use a safety shut-off lanyard (commonly used in motorcycle racing). Perhaps just being able to slip the gearbox into neutral is another more elegant solution.
It's an add-on gearbox with forward / reverse and neutral gears specifically made for go-karts and small ATVs using GX200 style engines. The post author was kind enough to share the details.
Whilst a reverse gear is not a necessity, it might be handy for some.
On a somewhat related note. I'm in the middle of putting together a Cyclekart guidebook, and one of the things that has come up in both the US and UK scenes is the risk of unmanned Cyclekarts 'taking off' when started due to stuck or knocked throttles. This seems to happen regularly, at least every event.
The generally prescribed solution is to tether the CK to something whilst starting it, or use a safety shut-off lanyard (commonly used in motorcycle racing). Perhaps just being able to slip the gearbox into neutral is another more elegant solution.