By Guest on Monday, 15 January 2024
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The Sporting Car Club of SA are planning to hold a number of events as part of their 90th anniversary celebrations. At least two of these events might be an opportunity to promote Cyclekarts and Cyclekarting.

So far, the only event that has been confirmed is the 'Old Crocks Run', which starts at Victoria Park racetrack and terminates on Wiggley reserve. This is being held on May 5th

More details here -

The other event that is of interest is the Victor Harbour 1936 GP Event. However, so far no details have been posted, but I'm sure I read somewhere that this was to be held in November and comprised of a meet and cruise of the original course, which coincide with current public roads.

I think that both of these events would be a good opportunity to promote what we are doing and organise a display. I figure that if we can get a few of us to commit to the date, I'd be happy to approach the SCCSA and see if I can arrange permission to put on a static display.

What do you think?
Ok so the AGP Victor Harbor club event is going to be held on Sunday 3rd November

They've listed it as a “re-enactment” of the 1936 South Australian Centenary Grand Prix at Victor Harbor

There is also the 2024 All Historic Mallala Meeting to be held from Friday, 26th April to Sunday 28th April.

This outstanding weekend of Historic Racing will once again feature a Street Party in Mallala on the Friday night, plus a range of off-track activities over the weekend. Might be another opportunity there.
1 year ago
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