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You’ll need an account with AliExpress I’m about to order wheels, have already got tyres and am ordering motor etc. see pic below
AU$278.72 28% Off | 2PC Size 1.40" x 17" Front and Rear Wheels Rims Hub Spoke For Honda Trail C90 Cub 1993 -...You’ll need an account with AliExpress I’m about to order wheels, have already got tyres and am ordering motor etc. see pic belowMore
AU$278.72 28% Off | 2PC Size 1.40" x 17" Front and Rear Wheels Rims Hub Spoke For Honda Trail C90 Cub 1993 - 2003 CT200 C50 C70 Wheel Rims Hub Spoke
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Here are some photos of plans, ideas etc. plenty of info and pictures on other forums.
Take care
This website has some good plans for ideas is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
This page may help with some ideas for a build. It’s from a modellers site is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
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