Managed to scrape half an hour on the cyclekart this arvo.
I pressed the old bearings out of the front hub on one of the wheels. Well I tried to drift them out but there was no purchase on the inside so I ended up punching the seals and bearings out of one side so tat I could get a drift to them. The new bearings are a perfect fit (6202.2RS Bearing - 35x16x11)
I note that the shaft is a little longer than it really needs to be. This was simply the only 5/8" UNF bolt that my local hardware store had in stock so that's what I ended up with. I need to turn down some spacers to get it to fit properly. Need to figure out the wheel spacing from the king pin. It seems logical to me to have it as close as possible, but need to confirm this. Aesthetically they would look better a little spaced out but will see.
The only other thing I managed to get done was drilling some holes in the spring hanger brackets. I also spent a bit of time searching for something suitable to make spring bushes from. I think some rubber radiator hose and a spacer will do the job. Just need to find or make a suitable spacer.
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