Mick commented on this post about 4 years agoAdvice needed as to whether I can build my car with one front transverse spring as the original race car hadPost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.
There's no strict rules on suspension layout. A transverse front spring is fine. Generally the front is sprung and the rear hasYes, absolutely.
There's no strict rules on suspension layout. A transverse front spring is fine. Generally the front is sprung and the rear has fixed suspension but there's plenty of people in the US that have built all kinds of variations.
Rather than fixed set of rules rules there's just a basic set of guidelines. We're generally following what the guys in the US have done as they've already trodden this path. Anything goes to a degree but the general ethos is that it's more about the aesthetics than performance. More ...