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Daryl Jones commented on this post about 1 week agoHi Admin, Where can I discuss with the committee the details of the exemptions for the rear wheel of a 3 wheel (morgan style) Kart.
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Looking at other Morgan interpretations they generally use a 17" rear wheel. However, the guidelines are really there to ensure thatHi Daryl.
Looking at other Morgan interpretations they generally use a 17" rear wheel. However, the guidelines are really there to ensure that (apart from safety) the overall aesthetics are consistent across all builds. The use of a common wheel diameter, wheelbase and track, is partially used to ensure that the scale of all builds are visually similar. The use of similar dimensions for wheel base and track also ensure similar handling characteristics.
The use of a smaller diameter rear wheel in this case should not impact the overall aesthetics, because as you state, the rear wheel is mostly hidden. The additional stated benefits are also noted with the additional comment that the reduction in tyre contact area due to the smaller wheel diameter, is offset by the use of a wider tyre. An exemption for the use of a smaller wheel with a larger tyre in this case is therefore granted.
Track and wheelbase rules still apply unless there is a specific reason to change them for the case of a three wheeler. Happy to discuss that further should the need arise.
Thank you for reaching out. I will email you out a formal exemption for your records. More ...