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Mick commented on this post about 5 months agoTrying to get cowl steering working properly, using angle grinder drive gears, keeps jumping gear with a load on it now even with wheels in the air.
Had to redo steering arm as it was locking on right hand lock didn't want to return. Fixed that now I have to pull the steering box (angle grinder) apart for the umpteenth time ,100000Comments (1)-
MickAny pics of your steering setup? I'd be interested to have a look at how you've done it.5 months agoReported
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Reverse gearbox
- Technical
- Thursday, 08 February 2024
I was concerned about the Kart rolling when on a slope or when getting in and out so I installed a handbrake. this would also stop the kart from moving forward if the engine revs were high. Worth a thought?Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
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The Cyclekart Club of Australia
- General
- Monday, 25 March 2024
Over the coming month Aussie Cyclekarts and its associated resources will formally transition into The Cyclekart Club of Australia.
The reason for this move is to support the need for a formal body so that events requiring insurances can be...Over the coming month Aussie Cyclekarts and its associated resources will formally transition into The Cyclekart Club of Australia.More
The reason for this move is to support the need for a formal body so that events requiring insurances can be organised. Some of this was outlined in the We Need You post made a few weeks back.
This change does not affect existing or future users of the website or social media channels which will remain free to use for non club members.
The main goal with club membership is that it will provide insurance for members participating in club events. So if you are not participating in club events, there is no formal requirement to be a club member. Of course, you may still elect to join the club as it will in time provide other benefits.
Club events may take on many different forms and includes both static events and dynamic events. Dynamic events are the events that require public liability insurance and include any meeting where Cyclekarts are driven. For example the monthly get together that your local Cyclekart group holds.
The intent is that the club provides insurance for dynamic events, like your local groups monthly get together so that you and your buddies do not have to. All that is required is that all participants are members of the club and that your meeting is conducted in accordance with the club (read: insurers) rules.
So over the coming month you will note a change to the website URL which will migrate from to and likewise a change to the email address associated with the site.
At this stage we have not determined the best action to take with regards to social media channels which all currently have the 'Aussie Cyclekarts' branding.
We are in current negotiation with the insurers to organise a policy that will cater for our needs. Once we have a view on what this looks like we will be able to finalise membership costs and open membership up to those who wish to join.
If you want to take advantage of the insurance for your local group meetings there will be some pre-requisites that need to be managed. Please get in contact for more information.Post is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream. -
that's what I,am looking at using 75 x 25mm . 2mmPost is under moderationStream item published successfully. Item will now be visible on your stream.
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